Homestay - en dur avec toilettes et électricité
min 3 pers.
3650 euros/personne
{{"ACCOMPAGNATEUR" | translate}}
Baptiste Bataille
Snowleopard: the quest of the Himalayan Ghost With Michel d’Oultremont
Spiti Valley
See a snow leopard, calm, peaceful and without having 70 tourists at his side, that’s what I propose.
We will be 6 (10 at most) and our team of Indian assistants – 15 in the field and will share the playground of professional photographer and ambassador Canon Belgium: Michel d’Oultremont (what??? you do not know him? just take a look here: https://micheldoultremont.com/en/home/
We will stay in a homestay with rustic comfort but the typical atmosphere and closer to the local habitants. We will eat the local cuisine (excellent !!!) and share tea with our guests. An unforgettable experience filled with encounters and breathtaking landscapes.
We will have some “road” to do before reaching the area – especially via one of the most impressive road on earth, meandering in the canyons, to climb on the zone which will be our base camp for the duration of the stay.
Then, thanks to the walkie-talkies that we offered to the local guides during my 2 last stays, we will looking for the panther and its prey during the day and taking advantage of every opportunity that nature con offers to us. We will observe the Ibex, the blue sheep, Golden eagle, bearded vultures (Lammergeyer) and Himalayan vultures. We will look for the “robin accentor” and other small passerines, while keeping an eye on an animal well present on the site: the red foxes.
When a panther is spotted, it is with a particular excitement that we will move, walking at our own pace, seeking oxygen during these movements oscillating between 4300 and 4600m above sea level.
No frozen tents, sleeping bag, … here you will have beds, with blankets and traditional warming/fires in every room (double or triple), with breakfast, lunch (mostly on the field) and dinner together, to share and remember the observations of the day. Electricity is also available to reload the batteries of the cameras. Michel d’Oultremont, who will be present on the site, will be please to give you advices for the settings, framing and other stuff for professionals.
For logistical reasons, I will lead 1 groups of 9 people the two last weeks of Feb and Michel will join me for that but you will meet him at Kibber the 2 or 3 March (depending of the weather conditions) – I will probably meet you in Rampur on my way back to Delhi. Any question? send me a mail: Baptiste@Baptiste-Bataille.com
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All accommodations and meals (from Chandigarh to Chandigarh)
All on-site trips (transfers)
Lead by an experienced French and english-speaking professional photographer guide
The best spotters of the all area to find the panthers and porters for your gears during walking at 4300 m altitude
AND, although totally out of telephone coverage area, the possibility of sending 2 SMS (or mail) / person on stay via satellite GPS, to the number of your choice!
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Indian Visa (approximately $ 60)
International Flight to Delhi
Domestic flight to Chandigarh(about 75 €)
Alcohol consumption
Tips (usually I take care of it and calculate the breakdown at the end of the stay)
Infos Complémentaires
Probabilité d'atteindre l'objectif
Espèces secondaires
Blue Sheep
Red foxes,
Himalayan Vultures,
Physical level
Niveau photographique
(but keep in mind that usually the Snowleopard is far and sometimes.... can be close.. less than 150 yards!)
Sujets photographiques
Langues parlées durant le voyage
Accessibilité enfants ( - de 10ans)
Insurance (all risk!)
Matériel Optique – Photo conseillé
tripod, binoculars, ..